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3 Free Months To FULLFORCE Fitness

You could have a chance to win a three month FREE membership to Fullforce Fitness. Fullforce Fitness has been voted the Best of Clark County for two years straight (2021 & 2022). For Best Personal Training, Best Gym/Fitness Club, and Best Fitness Class. Shania Kennedy has been a certified personal trainer since 2015. Her focus with all her clients is to develop an overall healthy and balanced lifestyle. Every workout is unique. The workout consists of a mixture of cardiovascular conditioning, strength training, and a nice mix of functional movement to help you with your daily life.

Shania herself has struggled and continues to struggle with her own personal battles, but with that struggle, she has a better understanding of what her clients go through mentally, physically, and emotionally. She is a world record holder and a state record holder with the WABDL and IPF. Through all the good, the bad, and the ugly, Shania wants nothing more than for everybody to succeed in anything and everything they do.

Come out the Endless Summer Cruise-In on August 19th and make a bid on this great free membership. You do not need to enter a car in the Endless Summer Cruise-In to win. Just come out to the show and make a bid on all the great items.

For more information about Fullforce Fitness Please visit them at

  • 3 Free Months To Fullforce Fitness

  • 1 16oz Glass Tumbler with Bamboo Lid & Reusable Metal Straw

  • 1 T-Shirt

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